Class Information
Connect Up With Downs gets creative.
Cooking Baking Budgeting Laundry Time Management Transit Fitness & Movement Public Speaking Arts Music Drama Games Teamwork Independence
We have something for everyone!

Learning to be independent and to make good choices takes a lot of practice and repetition. Our kind, creative and patient staff work with our Members to encourage them to try hard and to always give their best.
Sharing our learning program online during shutdown was so engaging for everyone we have now continued to incorporate the platform as a part of our everyday learning at Connect.
We learn as a group with a nice balance of life skills, arts, academics, and exciting virtual field trips that take us to far away places. Afternoon class ends with an online art project and time to say goodbye to our online friends before in-class activities resume.

Connect Up With Downs is confident we are doing our best to provide a safe and clean learning environment.
We have revised the design and flow of our classroom to allow for physical distancing according to Alberta health guidelines.
Each Member has been provided their own kit of individual daily art supplies, etc. to limit contact. Personal colourful hand towels are laundered daily due to the volume of hand washing.
We will provide custom face shields and/or masks that are to be worn when cooking or doing group activities that cannot maintain physical distancing.
Our building, as well as inside Connect, have increased cleaning and sanitation protocols. Connect will require that everyone have a normal temperature reading to enter. Please arrive healthy.